Instructions After Root Canal Treatment

Instructions after Root Canal Treatment

When you’re suffering pain related to inflammation or infection in the soft inner pulp of your tooth, a root canal is often the best option to eliminate pain, save your tooth, and restore function.  At Fioritto Family Dental, our doctors do their utmost to ensure a pain-free root canal procedure; keeping you comfortable and relaxed every step of the way.

In other words, you have nothing to fear but the ongoing pain of tooth decay.  Still, you’re probably interested to know what happens after your root canal procedure.  We’ll provide you with detailed instructions following your treatment, but here’s what you can expect after you undergo a root canal procedure.

Some Discomfort is Normal

A root canal is a surgical procedure in which dead or decaying tissue is removed from the tooth.  The area is then cleansed and treated to remove all traces of infection.  It is natural to experience some sensitivity, swelling, and discomfort following the procedure.  This could last several days to weeks.

The local anesthetic you were given at the start of your treatment typically provides several hours of numbness.  You may experience tenderness and discomfort as the local anesthetic begins to wear off.  In most cases, this is easily treated with over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

If you’re worried about having a low pain threshold, discuss prescription options with our dentists.  If your pain worsens, prescription antibiotics may be necessary to address a possible infection.

Take Care with Your Temporary Filling or Crown

In some cases, you may have to return for a permanent filling or crown. In such cases, we’ll initially place a temporary crown to protect your tooth and prevent further damage.  Whether you go home with a permanent filling or a temporary crown, it’s always best to avoid chewing or drinking hot beverages until the anesthetic wears off.  Doing so will protect you from accidentally biting or burning yourself.  Plan to eat soft foods for a few days following the procedure.

While wearing a temporary crown, avoid hard or sticky foods that could cause this protective fixture to crack, break, or come loose and expose your damaged tooth.  Whenever possible, chew on the other side of your mouth.  You can continue to brush and floss normally until the final filling or crown is placed.

When to Contact Us

Generally, you’ll make it to your follow-up appointment for a permanent filling or crown without any problems, but if you experience increased pain, it could indicate an infection.  Contact our office as soon as possible so we can treat any post root-canal issues.  You should also call us if your temporary crown cracks or becomes dislodged.

If a persistent toothache is impacting your life, don’t hesitate to contact the experts at Fioritto Family Dental today at 440-951-5511.  Feel free to reach out to us online too!