Oral Surgery

Oral Surgery

Dental technologies and techniques have seen incredible advances over the last several decades.  While it was once natural for patients to have some trepidation about potentially painful surgery, they no longer need to fear common surgical procedures like tooth extractions.  Many oral surgeries now take place under local anesthesia and patients experience no pain and minimal downtime for recovery.

At Fioritto Family Dental, our trained and experienced dentists will discuss the procedure with you beforehand so you’ll know exactly what to expect.  We will ensure your comfort throughout the procedure by administering appropriate sedatives and/or anesthetic, as needed.  What oral surgery procedures do we offer, and what can you expect during the process?

Types of Oral Surgery

You may need oral surgery to treat a number of pressing concerns, from advanced tooth decay or gum disease, to infection or trauma.  You may need surgery in combination with another procedure, such as straightening teeth or aligning jaws.  In most cases, oral surgery is prescribed as a way to treat serious concerns, eliminate pain, and improve oral function and/or appearance.  Common types of oral surgery include:

  •  Tooth Extraction
  •  Dental Implant
  •  Bone Grafting
  •  Biopsy
  •  Emergency Care

Tooth extraction may be required in the case of trauma, decay, infection, or illness.  Sometimes, these issues make it impossible to save the tooth.  Alternatively, crowding of teeth may require tooth removal to allow for the straightening of remaining teeth.  Following a tooth extraction, some patients will require dental implants to replace the missing tooth.  An implant is a long term method of restoring a smile, improving function, and preventing problems like shifting teeth and bone loss in the jaw.

Biopsies are typically performed on lesions when oral cancer is suspected.  As for emergency care, patients may suffer trauma to the mouth or jaw (during a sporting mishap or auto accident, for example) that requires an immediate surgical response.

Our Process

Following assessment, testing, and diagnosis, our dentists will discuss treatment options with you. Treatment may involve oral surgery.  If you decide to proceed with the procedure, we’ll schedule the procedure and provide you with detailed pre-surgery instructions. The instructions will also address the use of IV sedation.  Your dentist will respond to any questions or concerns you have.  Your health, safety, and comfort are our highest priorities, and we want to make sure you feel confident moving forward.

Whether you’re seeking general dental care or need oral surgery, contact our caring team at Fioritto Family Dental at 440-951-5511 or schedule an appointment online.