Instructions Before Anesthesia

Instructions Before IV Sedation Dental Anesthesia

If you have a planned oral surgery procedure, you will likely require IV sedation dental anesthesia. As such, we will provide detailed instructions prior to your surgery.

Whenever IV medications are administered, you will have to be properly prepared for the effects in order to avoid risk. At Fioritto Family Dental, your health and wellness are our top priorities, and we are happy to help you prepare for your sedation with detailed instructions.

Prior to Receiving IV sedation

There are several steps you’ll need to take in preparation for Dental Anesthesia. First, you need to inform our dentists of any medications you’re taking. This should be done well in advance of your planned treatment to ensure there are no dangerous drug interactions or undue risk factors.

Smoking is discouraged prior to the sedation. We recommend patients cut down as much as possible or stop smoking entirely before oral surgery, as this activity can negatively impact healing. You must avoid smoking entirely for at least 12 hours prior to surgery.

Eating and drinking are prohibited for eight hours before your procedure. If you begin to notice symptoms of illness as you near the date of surgery (digestive distress, cold symptoms, etc.), contact our office to check in, as we may have to reschedule your procedure.

On the day of your appointment, make sure to wear short sleeves or loose sleeves that can be rolled above the elbow to accommodate an IV. Wear low-heeled shoes that you can walk in after your procedure. Avoid jewelry, makeup, and nail polish, and remove contact lenses before the procedure.

 Following the sedation

After your appointment, the drug effects will linger, which means you’ll need help caring for yourself for a short period of time. Every patient is different, and so too are the effects of sedation. You should arrange to have someone accompany you to your appointment and wait in the office to take you home afterward.  You will not be able to operate machinery for 24 hours following the sedation, and that includes driving a car.

Rarely, patients can experience reactions or side effects from the sedation. Alert your dentist if you experience:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Hematoma at the injection site
  • Numbness or pain in the arm where the IV was placed
  • Symptoms of allergic reaction

IV sedation is typically reserved for oral surgery procedures that are complex and/or lengthy so as to facilitate skilled expediency and provide the most comfortable and pain-free experience for our patients. Our dentists are happy to explain any procedure and answer any questions or concerns you may have about your planned oral surgery.

If you’re in need of quality dental care, including oral surgery, contact the highly experienced dentists at Fioritto Family Dental today. Call 440-951-5511 or feel free to schedule an appointment online.