Sedation FAQ

 Dental Sedation Questions FAQs

If you are seeking a solution to your dental anxiety that allows you to enjoy a comfortable and worry-free dental experience, we can help! Our team of compassionate dentists at Fioritto Family Dental is happy to discuss sedation dentistry with you.  We understand you may have questions about sedation dentistry, so we’ve provided answers to a few of the most common questions.

 – What is sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is a practice that includes the use of expertly administered sedatives to help patients relax during dental procedures.  Depending on the type of sedation used (oral, inhaled, or IV), you may experience feelings of relaxation while remaining awake and alert, you might feel deep relaxation, or you may enter a twilight state or even fall asleep during treatment.  The type of sedation specifically recommended for you will depend on your health history, as well as additional information garnered during discussions with you and your team at Fioritto Family Dental.

– Is sedation dentistry safe and effective?

Yes!  All forms of sedation dentistry are the product of extensive research and testing to ensure safe and effective results for every patient.  At Fioritto Family Dental, only trained and experienced professionals administer, adjust, and monitor sedation so that you have a safe and comfortable experience.

– What happens during dental sedation?

Once you have decided on a form of sedation dentistry you feel comfortable with, we will administer your preferred sedative prior to dental treatment.  An oral sedative will come in a pill form to be taken by mouth; an inhaled sedative (nitrous oxide) will be delivered through a nasal hood; and IV sedation will be administered via a vein in your arm.

With oral sedation, you will remain awake, but feel deeply relaxed and perhaps a bit groggy.  You may choose to nap during your procedure.  Inhaled sedation may result in feelings of euphoria, but more often you simply feel happy and relaxed.  Most patients who select IV sedation enjoy immediate relaxation and may experience a twilight state or sleep during treatment.

– Are there any side effects associated with sedation dentistry?

After your treatment, you may need someone to drive you home.  Only inhaled sedation wears off quickly, but we still want to observe all possible safety precautions.  Many patients experience short-term amnesiac effects following dental sedation, which means you will remember little or nothing about the procedure.  Often, patients also enjoy reduced pain symptoms following treatment when dental sedation is used.

Other Questions about Dental Sedation

If you didn’t see your questions answered in the dental sedation FAQs, or you need further information, our dentists are always happy to speak with you and address your questions and concerns.  Contact our office today at 440-951-5511 or online to learn more and schedule an appointment.